Duvet Care Guide

A duvet, often the centerpiece of a bedroom, is more than just a bedding item; it's a gateway to a good night's sleep and an emblem of personal comfort. At Kensingtons, we understand that a duvet is an investment in your daily comfort and well-being. Proper care of this essential item not only ensures its longevity but also maintains the highest standards of hygiene and comfort.

Caring for your duvet correctly can transform your sleep experience. A well-maintained duvet retains its fluffiness and warmth, creating an inviting and cosy bed that you'll look forward to every night. It's not just about preserving the material; it's about sustaining the comfort and luxury that your duvet provides. Let's delve into the world of duvet care, ensuring your bedtime is always an experience to cherish.

Types of Duvets

Duvets come in a variety of materials, each offering unique benefits and requiring specific care considerations. At Kensingtons, we recognize that understanding these differences is key to optimal duvet care.

Down Duvets

Renowned for their lightweight yet effective insulation, down duvets are filled with the soft, fine feathers found under the tougher exterior feathers of birds. They are prized for their warmth and fluffiness. When caring for down duvets, gentle cleaning and proper drying are crucial to maintain their loft and avoid clumping of the feathers.

Feather Duvets

Typically filled with the outer feathers of ducks or geese, feather duvets are heavier than down and provide a firmer feel. These require careful washing and thorough drying to preserve the integrity of the feathers and prevent any unpleasant odour.

Synthetic Duvet

Made from various man-made fibres like polyester, synthetic duvets are hypoallergenic and a cost-effective alternative to natural fillings. They are easier to care for, often machine washable, and less delicate compared to natural fillings. However, following the specific washing and drying instructions is still important to avoid damage to the fibres.

Blended Duvets

Combining natural and synthetic materials, these duvets offer a balance between the benefits of both types. Care for blended duvets involves a moderate approach, ensuring the natural fibres are not damaged while effectively cleaning the synthetic components.

Daily and Regular Maintenance

Maintaining the quality and comfort of your duvet doesn't require extensive effort. Simple daily and regular practices can significantly prolong its life and ensure it remains a cosy retreat.

Fluffing and Airing Out

Just like a good stretch in the morning rejuvenates you, a regular shake and fluff of your duvet keeps it in prime condition. This practice helps to redistribute the filling, maintaining the duvet's loft and ensuring even warmth. It also prevents the filling from clumping together, a common issue with natural-filled duvets. Additionally, airing out your duvet is crucial. Simply leave it draped over a chair or railing in a well-ventilated room or outdoors (avoiding direct sunlight) for a few hours. This helps to dispel any moisture and keeps the duvet fresh, reducing the need for frequent washing.

Protection Tips

Think of a duvet cover as a guardian for your duvet. It shields the duvet from direct contact with body oils, sweat, and dirt, which can seep into the filling over time. Using a duvet cover is not just a decorative choice; it's a practical one. It's much easier to regularly wash a duvet cover than the duvet itself, thereby reducing the wear and tear on the duvet. Choose a cover that complements your duvet type – lightweight for down duvets to maintain their breathability, and durable for synthetic ones. Remember, the right cover can extend the life of your duvet significantly while keeping your bedtime experience hygienic and comfortable.

Spot Cleaning

Even with the best care, accidents happen, and your duvet may occasionally get stained. Spot cleaning is an effective way to address these small stains without having to wash the entire duvet.

Check the Care Label: Before you do anything, it's crucial to consult the care label on your duvet. This label provides specific instructions on what cleaning methods and products are safe for the material of your duvet. Adhering to these guidelines will help you avoid any damage to the filling or fabric.

Blotting the Stain: If the care label permits, gently blot the stain with a clean, white cloth to remove as much of the spill as possible. It's important to blot rather than rub, as rubbing can push the stain deeper into the fabric and filling.

Applying a Mild Cleaning Solution: Mix a mild, non-bleaching detergent with water to create a cleaning solution. Using another clean, white cloth, gently dab this solution onto the stain. Remember, less is more; you don't want to soak the duvet, as this can damage the filling and make drying difficult.

Rinsing and Drying: After treating the stain, use a clean, damp cloth to dab the area and remove any soap residue. Then, allow the duvet to air dry completely in a well-ventilated area. Avoid using direct heat or sunlight to dry it, as this can harm the duvet's fabric and filling.

Seek Professional Advice for Stubborn Stains: If the stain is particularly stubborn or if you are unsure about the cleaning process, it's best to consult a professional. They can offer advice or services that are specifically tailored to the type of duvet you have.

Washing Guidelines

Material Considerations:

  • Down and Feather Duvets: These require gentle washing to preserve the natural oils in the feathers. Use a large, front-loading washing machine to avoid compressing the feathers.
  • Synthetic Fiber Duvets: Generally more resilient and can often be washed in a standard washing machine.
  • Blended Duvets: Follow the care label instructions closely, as the requirements will depend on the blend of materials.

Machine Washing:

  • Capacity: Ensure your washing machine is large enough to accommodate the duvet without cramming it
  • Settings: Use a gentle cycle with warm water; hot water can damage the fibres and cold water may not clean effectively.
  • Spinning: Use a low spin setting to prevent damaging the duvet.

Hand Washing:

  • Ideal for delicate duvets that can't withstand a washing machine.
  • Fill a large tub with lukewarm water and a small amount of mild detergent.
  • Gently agitate the duvet in the water, then allow it to soak for a short period.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove all detergent.

Detergent Selection:

  • Opt for mild, gentle detergents without bleach or harsh chemicals.
  • For down and feather duvets, consider using a detergent specifically designed for down.


  • If machine drying, use a low heat setting and consider adding tennis balls to help fluff up the duvet.
  • For air drying, lay the duvet flat in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Regardless of the method, ensure the duvet is completely dry before use to prevent mould or mildew

Drying and Storage

Proper drying and storage of your duvet are crucial in maintaining its quality and ensuring its longevity.

Drying Your Duvet:

  • Air-Drying: This is the gentlest way to dry your duvet and is particularly recommended for down and feather-filled duvets. Lay the duvet flat on a clean, dry surface, preferably outdoors on a sunny day but out of direct sunlight, which can degrade the fabric and filling. Ensure it’s completely dry, flipping it over and fluffing it occasionally to promote even drying
  • Tumble Drying: If you choose to use a tumble dryer, select a low heat setting and consider adding wool dryer balls or clean tennis balls to help break up any clumps and redistribute the filling evenly. Be aware that this method may not be suitable for all types of duvets, so always check the care label first.

Ensuring Complete Dryness:

  • It's imperative to ensure that your duvet is thoroughly dry before using it again or storing it. Any dampness can lead to mould and mildew growth, which not only ruins the duvet but can also pose health risks. Even when a duvet feels dry on the outside, the filling inside can still be damp. Give it ample time and occasionally check different sections to confirm it's completely dry throughout.

Storage Recommendations:

  • When storing your duvet, choose a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and lead to mildew. Instead, opt for a breathable cotton storage bag or a fabric duvet storage case.
  • Before storing, ensure the duvet is clean and completely dry. Adding a few sachets of lavender or another natural repellent can keep it fresh and discourage moths and other pests.
  • If space allows, storing the duvet flat will help maintain its loft and reduce creases. If you must fold it, try to refold it occasionally to prevent permanent creases from forming in the filling.

Common Problems and Solutions in Duvet Care

Maintaining the quality and comfort of your duvet is crucial for a good night's sleep. However, even with the best care, certain common issues like clumping, odour, and discolouration can arise. Let's explore these problems and their practical solutions:


Problem: Clumping often occurs when the filling material (like down or synthetic fibres) gets matted together, losing its fluffiness and resulting in uneven warmth.


  • Regular Fluffing: Regularly shake and fluff your duvet to redistribute the filling evenly. This can be done as part of your daily bed-making routine.
  • Tennis Ball Trick: When laundering your duet, add clean tennis balls to the dryer. They help break up clumps and redistribute the filling evenly.
  • Professional Cleaning: Sometimes, it's best to leave it to the professionals. They have the right equipment and expertise to handle delicate duvets.


Problem: Over time, body oils, sweat, and other environmental factors can lead to an unpleasant odour in your duvet.


  • Air It Out: On a sunny, breezy day, hang your duvet outside to air out. Sunlight and fresh air can work wonders in eliminating odours.
  • Spot Cleaning: For localized odours, spot clean with a mild detergent and water. Make sure to dry the area thoroughly.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda on the duvet, leave it for a few hours, and then vacuum it off. Baking soda is excellent for neutralizing odours.


Problem: Discoloration can be caused by spills, body oils, or even the sun. It can make your duvet look unappealing and old.


  • Regular Washing: Follow the care label instructions for washing your duvet. Regular washing can prevent the buildup of oils and grime that leads to discolouration.
  • Stain Treatment: Treat any spills or stains immediately. Use a stain remover that is appropriate for the duvet's fabric.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: While airing out, avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight as it can cause fading and discolouration.

Additional Tips:

  • Always check the care label for specific instructions related to your duvet's material.
  • Consider using a duvet cover for added protection against dirt, spills, and wear.
  • Rotate and flip your duvet regularly to ensure even wear and tear.

Professional Care for Your Duvet

While regular home care is essential for maintaining your duvet, there are instances when professional cleaning becomes necessary. Understanding when and why to seek professional help, and how to choose the right service, is key to preserving the longevity and quality of your duvet.

When and Why to Consider Professional Cleaning

Material Considerations: Some duvets, especially those filled with natural materials like down or feathers, require professional care. These materials can be delicate and may be damaged by regular home washing.

Size and Weight: Large or particularly heavy duvets might not fit or be effectively cleaned in a standard home washing machine.

Deep Cleaning Needs: Over time, duvets can accumulate dust mites, allergens, and deep-seated dirt that home washing might not adequately remove.

Stubborn Stains and Odors: Professional cleaners have specialized techniques and products to deal with tough stains and persistent odours that home remedies can't tackle.

How to Choose a Professional Cleaning Service

  • Check for Specialization: Choose a service that specializes in bedding or, better yet, duvets specifically. They will have the right knowledge and equipment. Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations: Look for reviews online or ask for recommendations from friends or family. Positive word-of-mouth is a good indicator of quality service.
  • Inquire About Cleaning Methods: Ensure they use methods and products that are safe for your duvet's material. For example, some duvets should not be exposed to high heat or harsh chemicals.
  • Ask About Experience and Training: Find out how experienced their staff is, especially with handling high-quality or delicate bedding.
  • Understand the Costs and Services Offered: Get a clear understanding of the cost, what it includes, and the turnaround time. It's also worth asking if they offer pick-up and delivery services.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: If you're environmentally conscious, look for a service that uses eco-friendly cleaning agents and practices.
  • Insurance and Guarantees: Check if they offer any guarantees or insurance in case of damage to your duvet during the cleaning process.


In conclusion, effective duvet care, involving regular maintenance and addressing issues like clumping, odour, and discolouration, is essential for its longevity and comfort. There are times when professional cleaning is necessary, especially for delicate materials or stubborn problems. Adhering to these care guidelines not only preserves the quality of your duvet but also ensures a cosy and healthful sleep experience. Remember, a well-maintained duvet is an investment in your everyday comfort and well-being.