Topper Care Guide

Elevate your sleep quality with simple yet effective mattress topper care. In this guide, we unveil essential tips to maintain, clean, and protect your mattress topper, ensuring it continues to provide the ultimate comfort and support night after night. Discover the key to extending the life of your topper and enjoy a consistently cosy sleep experience.

How do I care for my mattress topper?

Caring for your mattress topper is essential to extend its lifespan and maintain its comfort. A well-maintained topper can significantly enhance your sleep experience. Regular care involves cleaning, rotating, and protecting it from damage. Follow these simple guidelines to keep your mattress topper in pristine condition.

Keep your topper at its best with five easy steps

  • Regular Cleaning: Regularly vacuum your mattress topper to remove dust and allergens. This helps maintain a hygienic sleep surface.
  • Spot Cleaning: Address spills and stains immediately with a mild detergent and a damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage the material of the topper.
  • Air It Out: Periodically air your mattress topper outdoors or in a well-ventilated room. This helps in removing any odours and moisture, keeping the topper fresh.
  • Rotate and Flip: Rotate and flip your topper every few months to ensure even wear and tear. This can significantly extend its useful life.
  • Use a Protective Cover: A cover can shield your topper from spills, dust, and other potential damages, making it easier to maintain.

How often should you change a mattress topper?

The lifespan of a mattress topper depends on its material and how well it is maintained. On average, a topper should be replaced every three to five years. However, if you notice signs of wear such as sagging, lumps, or a decrease in comfort, it might be time for a replacement. Regular maintenance can help prolong its life, but it's important to prioritize your comfort and sleep quality.

How to clean a mattress topper

Cleaning a mattress topper varies based on its material. For most toppers, vacuuming and spot cleaning are sufficient.

Check Manufacturer’s Instructions: Always refer to the care label for specific cleaning guidelines.

  • Use Mild Detergent: Use a gentle detergent and lukewarm water for spot cleaning.
  • Avoid Soaking: Never soak your topper as excessive moisture can damage the internal structure.
  • Dry Thoroughly: Ensure the topper is completely dry before placing it back on the bed. Use a fan or air dry outdoors if weather permits.
  • Professional Cleaning: For deep cleaning or difficult stains, consider professional cleaning services.

Removing Odor From the Mattress Topper

  • Vacuum: Begin by vacuuming the mattress topper to remove any loose dirt, dust, and debris. Use a handheld vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment for best results.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda evenly over the entire surface of the mattress topper. Baking soda is excellent for absorbing odours.
  • Let it Sit: Allow the baking soda to sit on the mattress topper for several hours, preferably overnight. This gives it time to absorb the odours.
  • Sunlight: If possible, place the mattress topper outdoors in direct sunlight. Sunlight can help to naturally deodorize and freshen the fabric.
  • Spot Cleaning: If there are specific spots with stubborn odours, you can spot-clean them using a solution of mild detergent and water. Gently dab the solution onto the affected areas with a clean cloth, then blot with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.
  • Air Dry: Allow the mattress topper to air dry completely before putting it back on the bed. Ensure it is thoroughly dry to prevent the growth of mould and mildew.
  • Essential Oils: If you like, you can add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the baking soda before sprinkling it onto the mattress topper. Essential oils like lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus have natural antibacterial properties and can leave a pleasant scent.
  • Mattress Protector: Consider using a mattress protector to prevent future odours and stains on your mattress topper. A waterproof or moisture-resistant protector can be especially helpful.

How can I protect my mattress topper from spills and stains?

  • Use a Mattress Protector: A waterproof protector can safeguard against spills and stains.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regular vacuuming and airing out can prevent buildup of dust and allergens.
  • Promptly Address Spills: In the event of a spill, clean it immediately to prevent the stain from setting in.
  • Avoid Eating in Bed: Reducing the chance of spills by not eating or drinking in bed is an effective preventive measure.
  • Pet Considerations: If you have pets, consider a pet-friendly cover to protect against fur and potential accidents.

Tips For Regular Maintenance

  • Vacuum Regularly: Use an upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to gently remove dust, dirt, and allergens from the surface of the topper. This should be done at least once a month.
  • Spot Clean Spills Immediately: If there are any spills, clean them up right away with a mild detergent and a damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fabric and inner materials of the topper.
  • Air Out the Topper: Every few months, let your topper air out by placing it in a well-ventilated area or outside, away from direct sunlight. This helps in reducing odours and moisture.
  • Rotate and Flip: If your topper is double-sided, rotate and flip it every three to six months. This helps in even distribution of wear and tear and can extend the life of the topper.
  • Use a Protective Cover: A good quality, breathable cover can protect the topper from spills, stains, and sweat. This cover should be washed regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Handle with Care When Moving: When moving or adjusting the topper, avoid pulling or tugging it, as this can cause damage. It's best to lift it gently and evenly.
  • Check for Specific Care Instructions: Always refer to the care label or manufacturer's instructions for specific maintenance guidelines, as different materials require different care.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the material and colour of the topper.
  • Deal with Odors Naturally: For natural odour removal, sprinkle baking soda on the topper, leave it for a few hours, and then vacuum it off. This is a gentle way to keep your topper smelling fresh.
  • Store Properly: If you need to store the topper, do so in a cool, dry place, and ensure it is properly wrapped or covered to protect it from dust and damage.


Taking care of your mattress topper is crucial for ensuring a comfortable and hygienic sleep environment. By following simple maintenance steps like regular cleaning, spot cleaning, airing out, rotating, and using a protective cover, you can significantly extend the life of your topper. This guide provides comprehensive care tips to help you maintain, clean, and protect your mattress topper, ensuring it remains a cosy and supportive part of your sleep routine for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I machine wash my mattress topper?

Always check the manufacturer’s instructions first. Some toppers can be machine washed, while others require spot cleaning or professional cleaning services.

How do I remove tough stains from my mattress topper?

Use a mild detergent and lukewarm water for spot cleaning. Gently dab the stained area and avoid soaking the topper. For persistent stains, consider professional cleaning.

Is it necessary to use a mattress protector?

Yes, using a mattress protector is highly recommended. It shields your topper from spills, dust, and potential damage, making maintenance easier and extending its lifespan.

How can I deodorize my mattress topper naturally?

Sprinkle baking soda over the topper and let it sit for several hours or overnight before vacuuming it off. This natural method helps to absorb odours and freshen up the topper.